1. Fuselage and Hull:
- General condition of the fuselage and hull.
- Fabric and skin for deterioration.
- Engravings, markings, and placards.

2. Cabin and Cockpit:
- General condition of seats and safety belts.
- Condition of windows and windshields.
- Instruments and controls for proper operation.

3. Engine and Nacelles:
- Mounting bolts and brackets for security.
- Fuel and oil lines for leaks and condition.
- Exhaust stacks and turbocharger systems for cracks and leaks.
- Cooling system for proper operation.
- Engine controls for proper operation.

4. Propellers:
- Blades for nicks, cracks, and corrosion.
- Propeller hubs for oil leaks and blade security.
- Governor, if applicable, for proper operation.

5. Wings and Center Section:
- Spars, skin, and rib condition.
- Ailerons and flaps for proper operation.
- Fuel tanks for leaks and proper venting.
- Wing attachment points for security.

6. Empennage:
- Horizontal and vertical stabilizers, elevators, rudders, and trim tabs for condition and freedom of movement.
- Attachment points and control system linkages.

7. Landing Gear:
- Struts and shock absorbing devices.
- Tires for wear and proper inflation.
- Wheels and brakes for wear and damage.
- Retraction mechanisms for proper operation, if applicable.

8. Flight Controls:
- Control yokes, sticks, pedals, and cables.
- Pushrods, hinges, pulleys, and turnbuckles.
- Trim system and balance.

9. Instruments and Avionics:
- Operation check of all gauges and instruments.
- Avionics equipment for proper function.

10. Electrical System:
- Battery for proper installation and charge.
- All switches for proper operation.
- Breakers and fuses for condition and proper rating.

11. Fuel System:
- Tanks, caps, and lines for leaks and condition.
- Filters and drains for contamination and water.

12. Oil System:
- Oil levels and condition.
- Lines and fittings for leaks and security.

13. Cooling System (for liquid-cooled engines):
- Coolant levels and condition.
- Radiators, lines, and fittings for leaks and condition.

14. Exhaust System:
- Mufflers and heat exchangers for cracks and proper attachment.
- Exhaust manifolds for leaks.

15. Hydraulic System:
- Reservoirs for proper fluid level.
- Lines and fittings for leaks and condition.

16. Environmental System (for pressurized or high-altitude aircraft):
- Pressurization system for proper operation.
- Heating and ventilation systems.

17. Emergency Equipment:
- Location and condition of fire extinguisher.
- Emergency locator transmitter (ELT) for proper operation and battery life.

18. Documentation and Records:
- Airworthiness certificate display.
- Review of the aircraft logbooks for entries on maintenance, repairs, and required or applicable Airworthiness Directives (ADs).

The actual checklist can be more detailed depending on the specific model of the aircraft, its systems, and equipment. Always refer to the aircraft's maintenance manual and the relevant regulatory guidelines for the most accurate and comprehensive requirements.